UKZN’s final-year Anatomy students enjoyed presenting findings from their research projects at a fun-filled health awareness campaign on the Westville campus Quad in commemoration of World Anatomy Day 2024, where music, dancing and anatomy-themed quiz questions added to the enjoyment.
The students created informative posters and flyers from their findings, also exhibiting human anatomy mannequins that stimulated interaction with the University community. It was all in an effort to promote healthy lifestyle decision-making, especially among the student population who often succumb to the many pressures involved with transitioning from high school into tertiary education and finding independence.
Anatomy Senior Lecturer Dr Carmen Rennie said the projects were part of the undergraduate core curriculum. Video clips outlining each project provided the day’s “edutainment”, one of the projects cautioning students against dangers around vaping – the increasingly popular simulated tobacco smoking that students assume to be free of health hazards. The group project cautioned that while less harmful than smoking tobacco, vaping is still as addictive and causes significant damage to the heart and lungs as shown in recent global studies.
Another group said alcohol consumption was a dangerous social activity that students should be wary of. Not only was alcohol addictive but a lot of students also fell victim to using it excessively as a coping mechanism, with its short- and long-term effects leading to several adverse health, safety and sexual risks, often hindering students from completing their degrees.
‘The skin is the largest and most sensitive organ in the body and also its first line of defence,’ said another group, whose project yielded a sun protection awareness campaign. They sensitised the University community about the importance of wearing sunscreen against UV rays, especially with summer around the corner.
Prizes were awarded to quiz participants while staff and students enjoyed the dancing.
The School of Laboratory Medicine and Medical Sciences’ Anatomy Professor Lelika Lazarus, commended the class of 2024 for presenting on a variety of topical health issues that were all of benefit to the University community.
The academic staff wished students well for their exams and future endeavours, encouraging them to pursue postgraduate studies in the Discipline.
Words and photos: Lunga Memela